1925 Cedrus Yearbook

juniorology One fine day in September, 1922, A stalwart band of Adventurers Invaded the fair city of Cedarville And captured by storm the Old fortress known as College Hall. Not even Dr. McChesney Or Dean Robison could Hold out against Them. They rushed Up the three flights Of stairs. Talking everything as They went. Finally they stopped in the President's room and Took a little advice and Some cards down to Prof. Jurkat. They were then full Fledged Freshmen. The usual galaxy Of feeds, "bust•ups" etc. Filled the first year. Several of our numbers became Prominent in Student Activities And have been so ever since. The Sophomore year began Very eventfully And all the While They were becoming More and More Necessary to the School Until now The School Couldn't get Along without Us. To prove This, The report got Out this fall that Our class wasn't Coming back and Dr."Mac" seriously considered Closing down the School. You can take this or Leave it. We know It's So. H. E. R.