1925 Cedrus Yearbook

The Sophomore Ranks ARK time, Sophomores. Class halt! The Sophomore ranks are ready for inspection. We invite all friends of Cedarville College to scrutinize us closely and see if we are not an honor to the College. Though not as great in numbers as last year, we have progressed in character. We have lost our Freshmen giddiness and greenness and our Sophomore stateliness and dignity server as a model which other classes may do well to strive to attain. You will also observe that we still possess the same indomitable spirit that carried us to Xenia and back last year without satisfying the hunger of all the upper classmen, who stuck close to our heels. In our first spread as "Sophs" we maintained our reputation. The last morsel of salad, pineapple ice, and other delicacies had been devoured by the time the starving Freshies and Juniors arrived. Much chargined at their failure, they attempted to prevent our return by blocking the road. But the brawny men of our class undid their half hour's work in a mere five minutes. ' Glancing down our ranks you will find many celebrities. First of all our class excels in scholarship, as all the professors will affirm. Surely no class is more studious! In the athletic line we are well represented. We have four letter men, and the star center, forward, and guard of the girl's basket ball team are Sophomores. Our class is also noted for its dramatic ability. When the Cedrus Play, The Boomerang," was presented, all the important members of the cast were chosen from our class. We swell with pride as we thinkthat the President of the student body is our own class president of last year. The Y. W. and Y. M. cabinets have a liberal sprinkling of Sophomores, and five of the student instructors are from our ranks. With such a beginning, to what heights will we not have attained by the time we are Seniors! Two more years will pass quickly and we will leave Cedarville to brave the storms of the world. May we ever keep before us the ideals we have been taught, and strive to he an honor to those who sacrificed for us, and to our Alma Mater. Attention, Sophomores. Forward march! M. D.