1925 Cedrus Yearbook

Freshmen Class History H THESE Freshmen! It's no wonder that students and faculty threw up their hands in horror when about sixty of us stepped in last fall and crowded some of the Seniors out of the back seats in the chapel. Then too, that gang from acrostshe way came with bad reputations acquired while yet in the infant stage. But they soon found that there was a little good with the bad and a little talent with the greenness. So much so that we were asked to join the literary societies, to take part in some school activities and were willingly given the front seats in classes to protect the upper classmen from blows. from the professors, which we must admit, has been so faithfully carried out that the Crown Club is already preparing for several new members. However we were not to be outdone by any organization to which we could not all belong, so a "crown club" of our own was organized which has most untiringly maintained its work all year. It has been most effective at our spreads in keeping away invaders from without and our "eats" within. Although our scholars stand out as shining lights we have more than one•track minds. In fact, some of our members showed up so well in athletics that one of our number was chosen as next year's football captain. They also showed up remakably well on both the boys' and girls' squads of basketball. It hardly seems necessary to say anything further about ourselves for our praises will be spread far and wide as soon as our rhetoric stories are completed. HI. ne