1925 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedarville. Ohio March 12. 1925. My Dear Miss Somers, No doubt you are quite occupied with numerous duties connected with your important position out in South Dakota. We often think about you and the deep Interest you manifested for all your students and hope you are enjoying your new as- sociates. We are sure you are still interested in the activities of your Alma Mater, so I thought you might enjoy a resume of the social functions of the past six months. Custom has decreed that one of the local churches should start the season by entertaining the students and faculty. This year the Young People's Society of the United Presbyterian Church extended their invitation first, closely followed by the Christian Endeavor Society of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. Both of these parties served to acquaint the students better and also furnished more real merriment than one could imagine who was not present to see the unique and amusing games planned for our entertainment. The men all agreed that the Y. W.C. A. proved to be a clever hostess at the Hallowe'en Frolic in the Gym. The Grand March presented a colorful as well as a humorous spectacle and at its conclusion prizes were awarded to Miss Evelyn Anders as Queen ofHearts and to Carson Webster and LaClede Markle who cleverly repres- ented an odd looking quadruped said to be an elephant. The Faculty received the entire student body at a formal reception held at the home of Professor and Mrs. H. H. Smith, at the opening of the second semester. The music room served asthe setting for a splendid program which closed with a group of vocal selections by Mrs. Carl Smith. The afternoon of the Day of Prayer for Colleges was chosen by Misses Helen Iliffe and Eleanore Johnson to be at home to the girls of the College ata delightful tea. The hostesses were assisted in receiving by their mothers and Miss Webster pre- sided at the tea table. The appointments were in keeping with the Valentine season and red carnations and sweet peas lent a charming note to the rooms of the Iliffe home. Dr. and Mrs. McChesney have invited the students and faculty to their annual party next week, and it promises to be the most enjoyable event on the social calendar of Cedarville College. If this letter has awakened any pleasant memories in your mind, we trust they will take form in a letter in reply to this one. All the students of Cedarville College who knew you unite in wishing you the best of everything in your new school home. Sincerely yours, Ruth McPherson.