1925 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedarville College Y. W.C. A. The Y. W.C. A. is a vital part of the life of the college young woman. She does not realize the large part that such an organization plays in her life, but that very thing has been one of our aims for this year—to make the girls realize the need and the benefit of such a Christian organization. It has been our purpose also to reach as many as possible of the girls of the student body, and to make them feel that they really want to attend the meetings rather than forcing them to take part. Our membership drive was not as successful as we hoped for but it was closed with the Formal Initiation service of the Y.W.C. A., which we hope was successful in leaving the desired impression on the minds of the girls. We have attempted to bring out through our programs of the year two put-- poses,—to accustom the girls to lead and take part in discussions among themselves and to bring in new inspiration and information, through talks by various persons directly or indirectly interested in the college. Our financial success has been such as to warrant our carrying on of he usual plans of community work, which,though not extensive have given an added incentive for interest in the organization. One of the aims of the present cabinet is to lend a helping hand in laying plans for more social activities for the student body as a whole. Although this has not been fully realized yet we have hope that it may be. As young women we pledge ourselves to the general Y. W.C. A. motto,"We unite in the determination to live unreservedly Jesus' law of love in every relationship and so to know God." P. C.