1926 Cedrus Yearbook

ti z r frTh C ) u ) SCIENCE HALL frfirliTillrillITIWWI TTTIMITINUMITUTITIIITIffr;&MTIMITTril !UlfPil f riffrk‘ )\ 9 -4 &I 17/ " • i 29 L(VIk. 1,"!) IL Fri -5, f'=(' -6-4.0 111116KIIIMAMANWAIWJA11.141/1400/44/4/AlIWAIIHWAIVNJIAMIAMMAMIWIthlUAWIWAIWWWWWINIAMINOM For out of the old fieldes, as men saithe, Cometh al this new come fro yere to yere And out of old bookes, in good faithe, Cometh al this new Science that men lere. -CHAUCER. 4.0.411110111.1.110010111%141141141/16111N.,114111W111,04.1 N \\