1927 Cedrus Yearbook

.1k777Vol'AV'A'A7'A V V'A 'A'A VVVV VIAVVVVVVVI /1,1 192,7 THE CENT'S 192_7 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • REV. W.R. GRAHAM President J. A.FINNEY First Vice-President LULA HENDERSON Second Vice-President MABLE STORMONT Secretary and Treasurer ALBERTA CRESWELL Corresponding Secretary The 1927 CEDRUS Staff feels that the CEDRUS would not be complete without an Alumni Section. We have made a special effort to get in touch with each member of the Alumni Association. We hope that this section may be retained as a permanent feature of the annual, and that the Alumni may look forward to the publication of the CEDRUS with as much interest as does the active student body. We are very grateful to those of the Alumni who, in reply to our request, have found time to furnish us the following information: • MISS CARRIE NORTHUP 1954 Kenton St., Springfield, Ohio Instructor in High School, North Lewisburg, Ohio. MR.AND MRS.ROBERT W.STEWART Houston, Ky. Mission work among the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. "We like our work very much, but we still think of the society meet- ings, spreads, and other good times we had in C. C." JOHN F.NASH 531 Ludlow Arcade, Dayton,Ohio Public Accountant. "Talking about fights, I wonder just how many of the Alumni remem- ber a certain flag rush that was held on the college campus, when 'Windy Bull', equipped with spurs, tried to climb a greased pole, at the top of which had been placed the colors of the opposing faction, when girls jabbed hat pins (the good old days of big hats and long hat pins!) into numerous backs, when shirts were torn and hair was pulled, and every- body had blood in their eyes? "With greetings to all my old friends of college days."