1927 Cedrus Yearbook

192,7 THE CEDRUS 192.7 it ii1Hh1I1HhjfljiIl W.A. CONDON,1900 Uhrichsville, Ohio Pastor of the Presbyterian Church. "Reminder—Who stole Mike McCarty's guinea?" JOHN ORR STEWART Richmond, Ky. Director of Music. "The class of which I was a member were all blood relatives except one and she related to the others by marriage. Of a class of six, two of the members have since Tarried; one member is a preacher, two are teachers, three are housewives. The thing that has remained as a part of the memories of our Senior year is the fine parties we had and the extra fine meals we enjoyed together." 1923 EARLE COLLINS Assuit, Egypt Assuit College. ARTHUR EWBANK Chester, Ohio Principal of High School. MARY FLANAGAN Cedarville, Ohio JAMES KYLE New Car/isle, Ohio Teacher in Olive Branch High School. ALICE LACKEY Cedarville, Ohio MARJORIE McCLELLAN Troy, Ohio Teacher in High School. EDWIN McKUNE Rushville, hid. Pastor U. P. Church. RUTH SHAW Yellow Springs, Ohio ROBERT STEWART Houston, Ky. Pastor R. P. Church. ERNEST WRIGHT Harrisonburg, Va. Teacher in High School. MYRTLE BICKETT Fair Haven, Ohio Teacher in High School.