1927 Cedrus Yearbook
-A9,VII/ Vol'AV 11. 'f".1 ,1 1,11 1.," a,V 1/ ' 1927 THE CEDRUS 197 hpliii All Hail to Alma Mater Cedarville's a college in a grand old state, Builded by the hands of our Maker Great, Guiding eager students thru the open gate Of dear old Cedarville. Fitting them for champions of the truth and right, Arming them completely for the coming fight, Leading them to victory over wrong and might, At dear old Cedarville. Senior,Freshman,Soph and Junior too, Join your hearts and'efforts and in everything you do. "Onward, Upward," be your motto still. Follow close the leading Of your dear old Cedarville. I want to go back to old C. C., The best school in the land, And go to all the games again And shout Rah! Rah! To Alma Mater we will pledge Our love and loyalty. I want to go back,I gotta go back To old C.C.
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