1927 Cedrus Yearbook

192,7 THE CEDRUS 19Z7 Ii111111111//111114 First Day of C. C.'s Thirty-Second Year Old Sol smiled on C. C. even more than was his custom this Sep- tember morn. He saw her students engaged in various activities in this the first day of her thirty-second year. In the morning the formal open- ing was held in the High School Auditorium under the leadership of our President, Dr. McChesney. The address was given by Mr. Myers Y.Cooper,who was well received by his audience. Numerous announce- ments, bewildering to some, were made and everyone hastened to the main college building to search out his classrooms, get his assignments, and start the business of getting acquainted. This was continued into the afternoon, when the older girls and their "Little Sisters" were entertained at a tea given by the Y.W.C. A. This time the library was the scene of groups of college girls with a back- ground of fall flowers in keeping with the orange and blue, and an atmosphere of laughter and pleasure in making new friends. Really, we were just beginning to get acquainted and the day was not yet complete. Oh,no!for Cedarville is undoubtedly a co-educational school. So that evening "Nagley's Hall" was chosen as the trysting place. The Y. M. C. A. promised to entertain us, and that they did— royally, too, it was agreed. No one could be reserved or bashful for long in the fun of that evening and it was great to meet so many new friends and anticipate the future associations. A feature of the evening, not to be slighted, was the "belling" and the "free-ride-for-nothing" we thought it our duty to give two of the former students of C. C. After bringing down the wrath of almost every Cedarvillian on our heads,for our noise, we disbanded for the night and even the most homesick Freshie as he turned over for the last time sleepily guessed he "could stand it after all, if this was college."