1927 Cedrus Yearbook

-A777'Al77771/777777777777V7'/ 77 7 '7/ I,J 1927 THE CEDRES 1927 b p111111 of 1111111111111111141 AN ESSAY Burr-r-r! All the machinery is in splendid working condition. None of the cogs are missing. Workmen are hurrying back and forth. Some are dumping letters, words, phrases, sentences, thoughts, and what-nots into great vats to be made into useful products. Others are working at the machines, while still others are receiving the articles as they are poured forth in their finished forms. Such a noise and whirr of wheels and cogs and springs! The shouts of the workers are added to the increasing roar of the machines. Suddenly something goes wrong. The buzzing machines are stopped. Almost a ton of raw material has been wasted. Mechanics rush forward. Their shouts are mingled with clanging tools. The necessary repairs will take time. Probably the mill will have to shut down while the repairing is done. Then the machines are started. No response! The mechanics begin work anew. One of them moves a little spring. Ah! that was the trouble. The machines whirr once more and the work is resumed and carried on just as noisily as before. This great mill is the mind; the process is education; the finished product is knowledge. —E.W.