1927 Cedrus Yearbook

')" 'fr!'AV V'•/ 1,9"./WIVIVVVVV VI".1"./VV 1927 THE CEDRUS 1927 IP TillI ...... of 101 1111111 Fred F. Graham Co. 17-19 Whiteman St.,Xenia,O. Phone Main 3 Wholesale and Retail WALL PAPER PAINTS - - - GLASS FURNITURE Refinishing—Upholstering Repairing ADAIR'S Furniture, Carpets, Stoves Victor Victrolas 20-2-1 NORTH DETROIT ST. XENIA, OHIO Prof. Frazier: "What shape is the annulus of a fern?" (No response.) "All of you who have had Geometry—a great circle is opposite what?" Jim Miller: "A small one." Prof. Robison: "What are fast colors?" Bill Nagley: "Oh, bright, loud colors like red, green, and yellow." Jack Rockhold defines a riot as being two mobs. Miss Howland in Ch. Psych.: "It is said that students in consolidated school are punished less and learn less. So we see that while they gain at one end they lose at the other." (Evidently they (to.) Flemming: "If Congress didn't spend so much time on that Dam Bill they would get more done." Prof. Frazier: "What is the structure of a yeast cell?" Malcolm Turner: "Just like any other cell." Complinients of The Miami Valley Co-operative Milk Producers' Association