1927 Cedrus Yearbook

1 ' t'tt f 't/1 it it 1 ,it't "t t't'/U Iti#ijy '/ ' 1927 THE MOS 192.7 0 11,11, 1111111111f1/11!Pld ESTLE BROWN NAGLEY JUNIOR CLASS LITTLE PAUL BROWN President KENNETH LITTLE Vice-President LOIS ESTLE Secretary WILLIAM NAGLEY Treasurer It has been our privilege for the past three years to witness and help in the improvements and advancements of our Alma Mater. While we have only one more year in which we can contribute and help to promote a greater and better Cedarville, yet it is the reminiscences of the past and expectations of the future for an Alma Mater that will rank high in the great educational movement of our country. Although these anticipations are foremost in our minds, we,the Class of 1928, center great stress upon those more intangible achievements,such as the growth of a better school spirit, improved morale, and a greater co-operation between stu- dents and faculty. These we set as our goal in order that the Junior Class of Cedarville College may create a permanent impression, and that we may continue to strive to keep our college on the high and noble plane where it has stood and been recognized for years. —V.B.