1927 Cedrus Yearbook
•! I I !,!'/'!"/'/ 192,7 THE CEDRES197 JOHNSON H. LE MAR BURNS HERMAN LE MAR There are about fifty little children of the grade school who think "Whitey" is pretty nice. They are not the only ones who think so either! Since our class is so talented, when a basket ball manager was needed we fur- nished one, and a splendid manager he made, too! JOHN JOHNSON "Red" is known as one of the best orators in the college, and we are sure he will be a success in the world. One of those inhabi- t-tnts of the "N.)fflev Dorm" who has his own Ideas on some subjects. RUTH BURNS It wasn't until the second semester we dis- covered the fact that Ruth was leaving our ranks and becoming a Senior. While we're sorry to lose her, we're glad that she received her start in such an illustrious class as ours. WEBSTER McMILLAN HEMPHILL MARY WEBSTER Everyone likes Mary and her faithful Ford. In addition to being a preacher's daughter, Mary is noted for her curls and her ever-ready fund of witty sayings. Incidentally she is an honor student, leads in literary and Y. W. C. A. work, and has done her share to make this book interesting. ALBERTA HEMPHILL "Bert" is our member from the far West. She hails from Colorado and is proud of it. We missed her from our ranks last year, and so this time we hope she's here to stay. JAMES McMILLAN "Jimmie" is known as one of Cedarville's promising young business men. However, even with all his cares in the business world he finds time to indulge in his favorite sport —riding out the Clark's Run road.
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