1927 Cedrus Yearbook

1927 THE MOS 1927 1 0111 II, .ii,I1111111 11111111 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC JOHN ALBERT TALCOTT Mus. Doc. Director MRS. WALTER CORRY Assistant in Piano and Director of Music in Green County Normal MARION FROCK Assistant in Violin KENNETH LITTLE Assistant in Saxophone MAE McKAY Assistant in Piano The Department of Music is one of the largest and most progressive depart- ments of the College. More and more is its value being realized by Cedarville and the surrounding Community. At present there is an enrollment of over fifty. The efficient professor of this department is J. A. Talcott, Mus. Doc. Dr. Tal- cott is a graduate of the Cleveland Piano School,the Georgia School of Technology, and the Royal College of Organists, of London, England. He has also studied voice under Charles S. Burnham, and choir direction under J. Powell Jones, of Wales. Dr. Talcott offers courses in Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony, and History of Music. Special instruction is also given on the Saxophone by Kenneth Little, a student in the College. A course in Violin is offered by Marion Frock, of Spring- field. In order that Dr. Talcott may be able to give more time to his advanced students, and to other work in Cedarville, and the neighboring communities, he is assisted in the primary teaching of Piano by Miss Mae McKay, of the College, and by Mrs. Walter Corry, Director of Music in the Green County Normal. The studio is located in the rear of the College Library Building. Here the instruction in music is given privately in thirty- or forty-minute periods. All students are expected to appear in a public recital, usually given during Com- mencement Week. In addition, concerts are often given by the advanced students at the close of the Fall Term. When the required work has been completed, the pupil receives a diploma of graduation from the department. The College encour- ages work in music by allowing eight hours as electives for the A.B. degree. Most of the pupils are studying music merely for their own enjoyment. Keep- ing this in mind,the department endeavors to ground all students in the technique of music, and to instil real musical interpretation; it endeavors to train students to receive the inspiration that comes from music, and the kindred arts, and to he able to appreciate the classical gems, and the masters in music.