1927 Cedrus Yearbook

1"1,911,-.ITIV 1.1"•V`I".1"../" 1 "/ I I,V I I 1,1111,1,1 1,1./ 1/1,' 1927 THE CEDRUS 1927 ulitillJP11111111111 COLLINS SHANNON SHARPE DEAN DOLBY MANOR WEBSTER M. McKAY A. McKAY HUGHES YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MARTHA DEAN President MARY WEBSTER Vice-President IRENE SHANNON Secretary and Treasurer ADA McKAY Undergraduate Representative PROF. BERTHA DOLBY Faculty Advisor MAE McKAY Program Chairman KATHRYN HUGHES Social Chairman LORENA SHARPE World Fellowship Chairman RUTH COLLINS Social Service Chairman LOIS MANOR Publicity Chairman "It is my purpose to live as a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ."—Y. W.C. A. Purpose. The Young Women's Christian Association touches every need of a girl's life. Pre-eminently it is a Christian association, according to the statement of purpose given above. By demanding belief in Christ as the one condition of membership, it endeavors to lead young women and girls to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. In accordance with its symbol, the blue triangle, the Y. W. C. A. stands for a three-sided development—that of body and mind as well as spirit. A "Y" girl realizes the sacredness of her whole self—that body, mind, and soul are all creations of God. So she tries to keep them clean and pure, and develop them to their highest powers. By bringing them to their greatest usefulness in living Jesus'law of love, a"Y"girl has realized the purpose of the Y. W.C. A.