1927 Cedrus Yearbook

1 .041 47'11 WIWI`WA',1!.•.0`/I,JIII 'I/ '/ V''!"/ 'II01 192,7 THE CEDRES 1927 win 11111111111/11144 FRAZIER WILLIAMS TURNBULL BEAM CRESWELL McMILLAN ORB CHOATE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION WARD CRESWELL President CARL FRAZIER Secretary JAMES McMILLAN Treasurer PROF. B. E. ROBISON Faculty Advisor MARVIN WILLIAMS Program Chairman ROBERT TURNBULL Assistant Program Chairman ROBERT CHOATE Social Chairman JAMES BEAM Social Chairman PAUL ORR President of "Y" Club The Y. M.C. A.stands for all that goes to make college worth while, in and out and spiritually. of the classrooms. It aims at a well-rounded life, mentally, socially, physically, It is the desire of the Y. M. C. A. to make the will of Christ more effective among the men of Cedarville College, in the best way possible to promote on our campus a positive moral and religious college spirit. The association depends for its existence upon the rediscovering of men each year who will push forward in marking new trails and furnishing the power for a group of other individuals. It is largely true that each Fall the association has to be re-made almost entirely. The spirit of such a student-led organization seems to have died with the retirement of the old cabinet members. Yet, the incentive, through co-operation of a few remaihing cabinet members of last year, has been one of encouragement and helpfulness as the days have gone by. The Y. M. C. A. officers feel that if we have given back anything it may be a step toward bigger things in our colles/e life.