1927 Cedrus Yearbook
192,7 THE CEDRUS 197 Real practical worth has been the aim in planning the programs throughout the year. Musicians and speakers of note have been brought, through the co-op- eration of the Y. W.C. A., making the meetings appreciated by all. The pre-Easter services conducted under the leadership of Rev. F. L. Brown may be recalled as one of instruction and inspiration well adapted to that season of the year. We hope that the splendid co-operation will continue with the Y. W. C. A. in the years to come, that the relations found may develop finer characters of true manhood and womanhood. ' The Y. M. C. A. seeks to develop a closer bond of co-operation among the various group associations of the college. It encourages physical education, athletics of the clean, red-blooded kind found in our school, literary societies for culture and platform ability, social events for fellowship and uplift, moral char- acter which will meet and stand the test of life. The need for an organization for directing the activities of the men outside the school hours has been stimulated during the year. Such a meeting-place under the guiding influence of the Y. M. C. A. will be realized with the growth of the college in the years to come. The "Y" Club room is only in its infancy. The Men who have responded to its growth so far will feel well repaid some day that they have had a part in starting such an ideal that must be realized. • The Y.M. C. A. seeks always to become in some way a part of the community life. The association takes this opportunity to thank the men of the village for their co-operation in making the Womanless Wedding a success. We, as a part of Cedarville College, are indebted to this community for its growth and develop- ment. We want, then, as large a part as possible in making a Bigger and Better Cedarville. —W•C.
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