1927 Cedrus Yearbook
THE CEDRUS 1927 iillifill11/111114 CEDAR NEEDLES STAFF LAWRENCE McLEAN Editor DAVID ADAIR Business Manager PROF. BERTHA DOLBY Faculty Advisor DALLAS MARSHALL Sports Editor HELEN ILIFFE Society Editor BERTRAM FLEMING Alumni Editor ROBERT JACOBS Feature Editor LAWRENCE DOUTHETT Advertising Manager CEDAR NEEDLES At the start of the second semester a group of students made it known that a class in Journalism, if started, would be attended by them. Miss Dolby, the teacher in Rhetoric, was chosen as the teacher for this new class. The class in Journalism was not altogether a new experiment for the school, as, the year pre- vious, a class was in existence. The first thing of importance to be considered was the possibility of a paper for the entire student body published by Cedarville College students. As the past efforts at such a thing had always proven failures, the project thus presented by this class was met with a bit of skepticism by not a few people concerned. The enthusiasm of the little group representing the class was so great that nothing but an attempt could quelch them. Finally the sanction of the faculty was procured and plans were completed for the issuing of a paper named Cedar Needles. On the night of March 30, while the students and faculty were assembled in the Alfred Memorial Auditorium, being entertairred by the Girls' Glee Club of Wittenberg, a bombshell was burst in their midst. To the surprise of everyone, a paper,for the students and by the students, was passed out to the crowd. The gritty bunch of students had made a school paper a success and had proved to the people that it could be handled by the students themselves. Due to the late start it was possible to issue only three editions. Next year a very great success is sure to be in store for the class; and our hats are off to the students who had the nerve and ability to carry on,in the face of great odds, and to the teacher who so faithfully stood behind them in their every effort. —L.M.
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