1929 Cedrus Yearbook

The Cedrus cW)heeler Studio Photographer fo r the C E D R U S Phone 349 -W Green Street X E N I A , O H IO Irons—-“ Jean is a man hater.” Allen— “ Howzat ?” Irons— Hates to be without ’em.” A. E. Huey Hardware Co. GENERAL HARDWARE AND TIN SHOP PHONE 3-128 CEDARVILLE, OHIO Alfred—-“Wasn’t that Cleo driving past in that chariot?” Le0__.“ Oh, no, it couldn’t possibly have Ben Hur.” Don’t be too hard on the co-eds; they’re hard enough already. L . S. B A R N E S A N D CO. Wall Paper, Paints and Stationery G r e e n S t r e e t Phone 733 X e n i a , O h io Page One Hundred Tw enty-one