1929 Cedrus Yearbook

The C edrus “Because-” Because you’ve held the laughter and the songs Of many; Because you’ve shared the joys, nor shunned the wrongs Of any; Because you’ve kept their faith and yours till The youth of them had drunk your wisdom’s fill,— God bless you— Cedarville! Because we’ll love you and your memories Forever; Because you merit all our love for Love’s Endeavor; Because you hold the note of Love’s own trill For those who come beneath your beck and will;— God love you—■ Cedarville! ) Because you cherish those who came before, Inciting; Because you stretch out eager arms to more. Inviting;— To those who want a turn at this—your mill,— To those who now are learning—always will;— God guard you— Cedarville! Because of all you’ve meant and all you’ll mean Hereafter; Because of all you’re built o f ;—hopes, and tears, And laughter, And prayers, and ideals, and regrets, And even lives.—and now encouragements;— God keep you— Page Fourteen