1929 Cedrus Yearbook
ALBERT TURNER “ Koty” Halfback 170 lbs. E l) IRONS “ Ed” Fullback 165 lbs. WILLIS KENNEY “ Kenney” End-Center HO lbs. DALLAS MARSHALL “ Red” Guard-Tackle 147 lbs. DONALD ALLEN “ Choppy” Quarterback 140 lbs. Foo tba ll 1928 I he small college always has a hard time when it comes to football. It must have material. Cedarville was no exception last fall. We had lost Dave Adair, our fleet half-back, and Captain Nagley, our brainy quarterback, by graduation. Several of our other regulars did not return. Consequently, the outlook was not very bright. Yet, considering the material that reported to the call, C. C. gave a very good account of herself. Coach Borst gave his best to make a football team out of a bunch of men who had never played together before. The Orange and Blue showed on several occasions what it was capable of doing after once “ getting up steam. Sometimes we looked like world beaters and sometimes like a third rate high school team. Yet, as a whole, the football season was a success. Although winning only one game, the members of the squad gained a vision of clean athletics and fair play that will mean much to them in later life. For this we must give credit to Coach Borst. Page S ix ty -tw o
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