1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedar Day 1929 T HE Cedar Day exercises of 1929 presented quite a gala spectacle. Every- thing worked out to perfection, with a perfect summer day, a large crowd, and a well prepared program, one would expect something out of the ordinary. Miss Margaret Chandler was our Queen for a day, and what a typical queen was she. The program was carried out in the form of a beautiful pageant. The dances represent different phases of life and presented the title "The Quest for the Pot of Gold." The dances were: Dance of the Rainbow and the Pot of Gold, Childhood at Play, Collegiate Dance, Sword Dance, Old Age. Miss Rachel Douthett, portraying the Treasure at the End of the Rainbow, gave the solo dance. The order of things was varied quite distinctly by the presenta- tion of a Biblical Pageant. The beautiful story of Ruth and its wonderful loveplot was given in a very natural manner. .The reapers, gleaners, and elders made us feel as we were really in Judea. Of course no activity is complete without music and C.C. is noted for its musicians. Two vocal selections were given, one by Miss Mary Ruth Wham, the other a duet, by Wendell Boyer and Gertrude Hamman. The Rev. B. E. Fleming, of the Senior Class, gave the Cedar Day Oration. His subject was "Have Gratitude and Show It." COMMITTEE IN CHARGE Costumes Miss Jennie Lust Music Miss Mary Ruth Wham Pageant Misses Martha Dean and Carmen Frazier Dances_ Miss Irene Shannon 11121011111=111111 11111111111111111M11111 Eighty-seven