1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Thirtydrhird Annual Commencement T HE thirty-third annual commencement processional began at the Carnegie Library and ended on the beautifully decorated stage of the Cedarville Opera House. The invocation was given by the Reverend G. LaClede Markle. The main address was delivered by the Honorable Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of the - Methodist Episcopal Church. The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon sixteen graduates of the four-year arts course. One received the degree of Bachelor of Science. Diplo- mas were awarded thirteen graduates of the two-year Normal Department. All the degrees were conferred by Doctor McChesney. Five Crown pins were awarded. Two graduates received the honor of Magna Cum Laude and three Cum Laude. The farewell address for the Seniors and the benediction were delivered by President McChesney. •Baccalaureate C OMMENCEMENT WEEK of 1929 opened Sunday evening, June the second, when the Seniors marched down the aisles of the First Presby- terian Church in their last college church service. The invocation was given by Reverend Doctor W. P. Harriman, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Cedarville, after which the Scripture Lesson was offered by the Reverend T.R. Turner of Quincy, Mass. Prayer was offered by the Reverend H. C. Gunnett, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cedarville. Special music was furnished by the Girls' Glee Club of the College. They were assisted by Mrs. Walter Corry and directed by Miss Berkley, Professor of Music at the college. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Doctor McChesney in his usual pleasing and convincing manner. Eightv-ninc