1930 Cedrus Yearbook
Mother and Daughter lianquet T HE Mother and Daughter banquet held in the Alford Memorial Gym- nasium, May 10, was proclaimed a decided success by all in attendance. The banquet is not an old custom, but was initiated by the girls of the Y.W.C. A. as an Etiquette Project two years ago. After the success of the first it was the unanimous wish that the banquet be made an annual affair. THE MENU Green Beans Rolls Devil's Food Cake Fruit Cocktail Pressed Meat Stuffed Potatoes Strawberry Jam Perfection Salad Pickles Butter Cream Coffee Following the dinner hour Miss Josephine Auld, president of the Y. W. assumed the duties of toastmistress. The Welcome to the Mothers was given by Miss Grace Wigal and Mrs. R. M. Borst voiced the response of the mothers. Miss Mary McKay sang that beautiful little song, "Little Mother.- This was followed by a very memorable speech, "What Mothers Means to Daughter" by Miss Martha Dean, our faculty advisor. Then Miss Carmen Frazier read the delightful little poem, "The Common Mother." This was followed by the solo,"Mother Machree" by Miss Mary Ruth Wham (sung as only Mary Ruth can). Then came the feature of the evening,the address by Mrs. E.D.McKune, of Rushville, Indiana. C. F. President's Reception The invitation to "Dr. Mac's Reception" was greeted with wild delight from every student and member of the faculty. We all love to go to our president's home: and on the eve of the "Big Occasion" we were all there, each resplendent in manner, dress, and state of mind. Dr. and Mrs. McChesney (whom we love to call Dr. and Mrs. Mac) received the guests and extended a hearty welcome to all. A very delicious lunch consisting of veal salad, olives and wafers, ice cream, lady fingers, and coffee was served. Following the lunch hour was a short pro- gram. There was first a selection played by Miss Dorothy Wolff on the banjo-uke. This was followed by a piano solo by Miss Lenora Skinnell. Last came an impromptu reading by Miss Carmen Frazier. C. F. 3.7,ety
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