1930 Cedrus Yearbook
Y.W.C.A. Welcome Tea It has long been the custom at Cedarville for the members of the Y. W. to give a tea in honor of the new girls. This year the tea was held, September 12, in the College Club Waiting-Room. It was a rainy afternoon and was enough to dampen the most blithesome spirit; but the waiting-room was warm and cozy, and a goodly number was in attendance. The Big Sisters took their Little Sisters "under wing" and made them feel happily at home. A delightful program of music was enjoyed: A piano solo, Miss Mary Ruth Wham; a cello solo, Miss Bernese Elias; a vocal solo, Miss Helen Iliffe, after which tea and little cakes were served the guests. C.F. Y.M.and Y.W.GetoTogether The"Get-Together" was slightly different from that last year. Then the social hour had been given over to Freshman scalp-taking; while this year every man was at peace with his neighbor. True, the upper classman eyed narrowly the cocky freshman as he strutted jauntily hither and thither; but he had given his word and he reckoned,"dash-it-all." he would have to keep it. Yes, the Y. M. and the Y. W. conducted the "Get-Together" as Y. M.'s and Y. W.'s should. The new students were made to feel at home and the old gym rang with hearty laughter and rousing song. The new students were initiated into Cedarville social life to the tune and step of "Captain Jenks," "Pig in the Parlor," "Miller Boy," and refreshed with weiner sandwiches, hot cocoa, and cakes. 11110111111110111M C. F. 11111111111111•111111111•1111 Ninetv-Ror
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