1930 Cedrus Yearbook
-Junior Class Play '29 "BILLY" •A hilarious comedy in three acts by George Cameron. We will never for- get the teethless Pickering and Wham. Seasick Sam Eustace and the winsome Beatrice. The scenery for this play presented something entirely different with its ocean liner background. Billy Hargrave, Alice Hargrave, John Hargrave, Mrs. Hargrave, Mrs. Sloane Sam Eustace_ Beatrice Sloane, Captain Doctor Boatswain Sailor Steward Stewardess CAST OF CHARACTERS a football hero Harry Pickering his sister Dortha Fanning his father .James Stormont his mother_ Lillias Ford Mary Ruth Wham Dallas Marshall Mrs. Sloane's daughter •Jean Morton Robert Thompson Paul Tanner Frank Graham Blair Brasel Charles Kyle •.Hilma Raisanen Junior Class Play'30 "KEMPY" The class of '31 continued to uphold the prestige of Cedarville College actors and actresses by very cleverly presenting this play. It was hard for us to figure out how everything was going to happen so they could all live hap- pily ever after. But after much planning by Al and Carmen and some hasty decisions by Sarah, the entire plot was laid clearly before our eyes. CAST OF CHARACTERS Ruth Bence Carmen Frazier Dad Bence .Robert Collins "Ma" Christine Rife Jane Wade Helen Powers Katherine Bence _Sarah Rumbaugh Ben Wade Vernon Hickman "Kempy" James Alfred Townsley "Duke" Merril Wendell Boyer Ninety-tix 1
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