1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedrus Staff Play "SONNY-JANE" A comedy mirthquake in three acts by Eugene G. Hafer. Truer words were never spoken, we laughed until our sides ached. "Jasper" Graham, as the little fat Dutchman. Wilda Auld, who tried to capture him. Brenton Turner, the happy-go-lucky, fickle, modern young man. Jean Morton, the crafty busi- ness woman, and Dallas Marshall, the supposedly shrewd business man. Of course the comedy of Harry Pickering and Frances McChesney was the talk of the show. CAST OF CHARACTERS Peggy Foster Mary Ruth Wham Lucile Bradner Lucile Tanner Pansy Frances McChesney Mrs. Amelia Spetzendorf Wilda Auld Ruby Wade _Dorotla Fanning Nancy Wade Frazier Sonny-Jane Marquard _Jean Morton Charles MitchelL Marshall Sam Streck. _Frank Graham Larry Randolph _________ _Brenton Turner Joe Martin Harry Pickering Freddie Beadle Paul Tanner Ninctv-secen