1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Cedarville College Diary 1929 1930 1929 SEPTEMBER 9—Rain. One Freshman arrives. 10—Clear. The other three Freshmen arrive. 11—Commencing day. Mr. Clifton chapels. Schedules—books—tuish— "I swear I will not stack the chapel" often. Yellowstoners all in— town. 12—Students dribble in. Y. M.Z4 W. you know at nite. 14—First week-end. Are they all gonna be like this? 16—Students watch the birdie. Seniors watch chicken at Marshall's. 17—Crowd divides. U. P. Reception, Otto Gray's Wild West, and Avalon Park. Otto corners the most. 18-2 A. M. Avaloners return. 19—Choppy arrives behind schedule. Real schedule choppied up as yet. 20—Yell sheets passed. Teamsters in transit to Transylvania. 21—We-6. They-64 more. 23—Ticker tapester at Morton's. Soffeed at Auld's. 25—Yearling girls rattle rattles. 26—The Earl of Egypt in chapel. Rife voted "Freshest" Pres. Girls' Tea for two or three at Methodist. Chicken at Presby. Be a Presby. 27—Fresh swab steps. "How green I am." Photos here all ready already. Presby. organ recites. 28—Cincinnati is three touchdowns better and $300 worse off. 30—Borst explains in chapel. Cedar Inn party, anniversary of Ballards birth. OCTOBER 1—Philos. will try it one more year. 2—Uppers enjoy Fresh. feed at Swaby's. Turner-Hostetler all damp. Roseberrys found in Nebraska. 3—Pepster meeting, snake dance, cones gratis at the mayor's. Mr. Strain appears on the grounds. 5—Wilmington,0., Cedarville, 0. Practically as good as we. 7—'Nuther pep meet. Seniors treat. Toby, Modic barefoot it in from 0.M.Camp. 8—Some eat at Rumbaugh's. 9—Sophs throw mean line at Flax. Fresh wade home. Office rug warm. 10—M. E. Church entertains. Experience meeting at Morton's. Only nice clean experiences allowed. 11—Brass band born. 12—Northern 26-6. Too far north for us. Ninety-eight