1930 Cedrus Yearbook
"Please Notice" I T is utterly impossible to publish a decent annual at C.C. without help from the outside. This help comes through the gratitude of generous merchants and business men. It is not possible to express in writing our appreciation for their aid. Readers, will you please, if you ever have the chance, tell the firms or individuals listed below that you saw their ad in "The Cedrus" and you were glad to see that they helped Cedarville College. This one little favor from you will bring untold results. It will make future advertising far easier and will create a friendship for the college that cannot be broken. • We thank you in advance for this. OUR ADVERTISERS CEDARVILLE Cedarville College Hagar Straw Board Zd Paper Co. Richards Drug Store Cedarville Herald C. E. Masters W.W.Troute C. H. Crouse Wolford's Garage I. C. Davis Home Clothing Co. Brown's Drugs A. E. Huey The Exchange Bank Robert Bird t4 Sons Co. W. L. Clemans INDIANAPOLIS Stafford Engraving Co. XENIA McCurran Brothers, Contractors Hy-Art Shop Xenia Auto Necessity C. A. Weaver Co. Jobe Bros. Xenia Candy Kitchen The Criterion Wagner Jewelry Co. Geyer's Book Store Valet Press Shop Osterly Millinery Co. Wood's Barber Shop Eichman Electric Shop Adair Furniture Co. Bijou Theater Greene County Auto Club Pidgeon Battery Co. One Hundred Three
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