1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Phone 3-128 A.E.HUEY HARDWARE CO. General Hardware and Tin Shop Cedarville, Ohio Mr. Owens: Did you find a roll under my pillow with fifty dollars in it? Porter: Yes, Sub. Thank you, Sub. Wilma Curry: I wonder how I could live without brains? Mrs. Shedd: That remains to be seen. Mrs. Morton: How did you know that he was following you? Jean: He kept looking around to see if I were coming. Prof. Wood: Mr. Townsley, you must think that this class is a barn. Al: Why? Prof. Wood: Just one stall after another. Central: Number, please? Moody: Number? Woman, I put in my nickel and I want my chewing gum. Forty-two Years Is a long time to serve one com- munity. Yet Jobe Brothers Company has done this and we can further assure you, are still able and willing to serve you well. JOI9E'ff Xenia, Ohio This is the Lake Drive A new Dobbs Straw—snap brim— :town slightly higher—light weight— full of style. Priced at $3.95 $5.00 $7.50 THE C. A. WEAVER CO. Opp. Court House XENIA, 0. One Hundred Nine