1930 Cedrus Yearbook
THE EXCHANGE BANK CEDARVILLE, OHIO We solicit your account--four per cent on savings Tanner: Oh, Bob, how those chocolates in the window make my mouth water. Collins: Well, here is a blotter. Bob Richards: It seems to me that you bakers are getting tight. Willis: How is that? Bob: Dad couldn't get but four dozen sandwiches out of a loaf the other day. 1W.L.CLEMANS Life, Health, Accident, Fire and Tornado Insurance CEDARVILLE OHIO Rumbaugh: I want a quarter's worth of rat poison. Doc: Do you want to take it with you? Sarah: No, I'll send the rats in after it. Rife: That new suit of yours is all full of ticks. Al: It ought to be, I bought it on time. Pickering: My dad used to be a tumbler, Ice: Did he tumble for circuses? Harry: No, for women. 1 THE CEDARVILLE HERALD Commercial - - - - Catalog JOB PRINTING LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE ON YOUR PRINTING 1111111111111=1111•1 One Hundred Thirteen
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