1930 Cedrus Yearbook
Senior Class Dallas Marshall President Blair Brawl Vice President Mary Ruth Wham Secretary _Treasurer Lucile Tanner S 0 this is college. When we came to college in September 1926, we were very curious. (Freshmen are, you know). We paid strict attention to every announcement. (Freshmen do). We attended classes regularly and punctually. (Freshmen are guilty sometimes). And last of all we STUDIED. (Freshmen do that, too). Our motto was "Nil sine magno vita labore dedict mortalilus." (Life gives nothing to mortals without much labor). But it paid. At the end of the year we were promoted to the rank of Sophomores. No terrible danger assailed us this year, such as haircuts, long rides, and long walks, although there were some upper classmen who felt that we had not yet received our share of such treatment. Then our Junior year came sailing around with several new ones on the crew of teachers. We soon became acquainted and liked them fine. The great events of the year were connected with the play "Billy" which was a big hit and the banquet. Perhaps we shouldn't say much about that since we gave it. Now, we are Seniors. It doesn't seem so long since we started, at first though, but—con- sider all the things that have happened—it has been four years all right. There are several great occasions ahead of us, but there is one of prime importance. "To graduate, or not to graduate; That is the question." (Before the class of 1930) (This will be according to the professors, not Shakespeare) In closing we could say that we have the best class that has ever graduated, but that is rather common, so we just want to say that we give our very best wishes to our Alma Mater, M. J. A. Tiventu-three
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