1930 Cedrus Yearbook

The Trip is Almost O'er One more dip and we'll glide along Out in midstream where the current's strong, Where the salmon flash and the small fish dash At the sudden dip of the supple ash; Away we go to the river's end, Driftin' along where the current sends. Lean back in your seats and stretch your limbs And watch the fish as he upward swims For the water's clear, as the twilight's here; And list to the noisy wood folk near, They assemble now on the woody shore And call for their mates the forest o'er. The rapids are near, oh, classmates of mine, Can't you see them ahead where the boulders shine? The birds in the trees singing melodies, They know full well how these rocks can seize And smash in a flash a staunch canoe, With anyone in it like me and you. Lift up the paddle again on high, For the treacherous rapids are safely by, And now for home let the old boat roam, For we've passed the worst of the river's foam, But listen once more to the folks on shore, For this glorious trip is almost o'er. George W.Davis,'30. Thirty-four