1930 Cedrus Yearbook
ALFRED TOWNSLEY So called President of our class. Can tell you the cxact time the mail train from Wi:zonsin arrives. Proprietor of the famous Wcasels Nest. For one night was called "Kempy." CARMEN FRAZIER A willing worker and a fine student. Has a smile for every one. She is also a very promising actress. BRENTON TURNER Hails from Massachusetts but seems to like Cedarville okay. He stays at Dr. Mac's so he doesn't fear for his grades. MILDRED CARLE Manager of the girl's basket ball team. One of our few "A" students. A treat worker and she sure likes our feeds. VERNON HICKMAN Hickman is the wittiest member of our class. Drives a millionaire's car when he doesn't have to push it. Toots a mean Sax and studies in his spare time. Thirtu-seven
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