1930 Cedrus Yearbook
( t T HE athletic division of this book we humbly dedicate to Coach Marvin Borst and his achievements at C.C. since 1926, when he came to us from Wittenberg. When Coach Borst came to Cedarville the athletic equipment was prac- tically a minus quantity. Until the time of Borst the football men were re- quired to buy their own shoes, but that is history now. Cedarville's football togs represent the best that money can buy. There has been three new sets of basketball suits purchased. The baseball men are attired in the same quality of uniforms worn by major leaguers. This is only one of the changes in the "Athletic Reformation" at C.C. In football our college teams have made quite an advancement. Before '26 no C.C. gridiron team had won more than a single contest during the sea- son's play. That saying was discarded in '27. In '29 the Borstmen held Wilmington to a scoreless tie. The only pigskin tussle between these schools which did not end victorious for the Quakers. "Yellow Jacket" basketball stock has gained steadily. Before the coming of Borst the court men seldom played over a dozen games a year and several of these with minor independent teams. Now C.C. squads meet the foremost col- lege and university teamsof the state and have made an enviable record for a "Small College." Fifty-six
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