1930 Cedrus Yearbook

Back row: Coach Borst, Baker, Lawliss, Richards, Spencer, Mgr. Collins. Middle row: Smith, Boyer, Best, Marshall, Townsley, Wilson. First row: Garlough, Turner, Rife, Kinnison, Allen, Gordon. asketball I . eview of'29/30 / N recent years, basketball has been Cedarville's sport forte. Practically a veteran team, experienced in playing together, turned out for the first prac- tice this year. Had this group continued the prospects would have turned out as they looked at first—fine. But before the season was finished, the veteran group was broken. All credit is due, however, to those who filled their places, and were excellent sports at being second choice. We are heartily appreciative of the fine work they did for us. Most of these were members of that promising group of Freshies which appeared at Borst's first "call for men." On December fourth the boys opened the season with a decisive victory over the boys from Antioch. However, after starting out on the right foot, they tripped and fell on the wrong side of the winning column for the next four games. But two of these games were with the powerful Cincinnati University and St. Xavier teams. They proved, however, that though they were temporarily "down" they