1930 Cedrus Yearbook

at any time from this book we will feel that our labors have not been in vain. There are a few persons outside of the regular college routine that have helped make this book what it is; to them we extend our sincerest gratitude and will now mention them personally. Mr. Robert Thompson, who we all learned to admire during his three years at Cedarville College, helped with the Art work, drawing the pages for the division pages and the border views. Mr. Elmer Jurkat, the genius, gave very valuable aid in arranging the snapshot pages. He also helped with the Diary in his incomparable witty manner. It seems almost a shame not to give personal mention to our own Art Editor, who labored so hard in preparing this book. Marion will come in for his share of the glory in the next few years which will be well deserved. To next years staff we will all our cares, griefs, and woes. We hope they can far surpass this example. If there is anything we can help them do at any time we will only be more than glad to do it. Dallas Marshall Editor-in-Chief Frances McChesney Assistant Editor Paul Tanner Business Manager Marion Hostetler .Art Editor Carmen Frazier Society Editress Harry Pickering Advertising Manager Professor R. M. Borst Faculty Adviser Brenton Turner Boys Athletic Editor Wilda Auld Girls Athletic Editress Robert Wilson Humor Editor Mary Ruth Wham Music Editress Jean Morton Snapshot Editress Lucile Tanner Snapshot Editress Wilma Curry Diary Editress IIMONIMNOMMS