1930 Cedrus Yearbook
T HE Y. W. C. A. satisfies the three needs in every girls life, the mental, moral and social. The blue triangle, the symbol of the Y. W. C. A., stands for this three sided development. No one of these three can be neglected if we are "to realize full and creativleife." The Y. W.C. A. of Cedarville College attempts in several ways to help girls to realize this full and creative life. Perhaps the most direct way in which this is done is through our regular Wednesday morn- ing meetings. It is here that we broaden our vision by hearing such noted speakers as Miss Heller, National Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. It is here too that we discuss our problems. This year we have considered the following in form of projects. First, What to Read, and second, Etiquette. The Y. W. C. A. has an outstanding social event at least once a month. Among these are the Welcome Tea, given in honor of the Freshmen girls. The Commital Service, The Hallowe'en Party, which is alternated each year with the Y. M C. A., the filling of Thanksgiving Day baskets, the Mock Wedding, the Formal Banquet in honor of our mothers, and the Silver Tea. This association offers a wonderful opportunity for the development of friendship of the high and noble type. The girlisn the Y. W. C. A. are drawn close together in trying to find the "full and creative life." So, now as the year draws to its close, we, the members of the old Cabinet place in the hands of the new the responsibility of carrying on the great work of the Y. W.C. A. and hence the great work of Cedarville College. L. T. Seventu-one
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