1930 Cedrus Yearbook
wholesome entertainment, such feeds, such grand fellowship is not found in any other college activity. We are thirty-five strong and our motto is "Perpetual Always." Imagine putting on some comfortable clothing and sauntering down to the College Club waiting room on Philosophic nights. Imagine hanging 'round the faithful little stove for a nice chat before the rap of the gavel. Imagine the sacred quiet of the Devotional Service. Imagine singing old time songs—your choice (if you please). Imagine settling one's self to listen to original ideas delivered in rare form; to quaint readings and impersonations; to enjoy instrumental and vocal solos; the "latest song hits" by the peppiest little orchestra in town. And then imagine all the time sniffing, sniffing sizzling hamburgers and steaming coffee, or something else as good. We are a happy lot. Well fed spiritually, intellectually and physically; and even in these strenuous times we are out of debt and have a bank account. C. F. 11111111111111111111111111111 Seventii-five
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