1930 Cedrus Yearbook

J. Stormont, E. McLaughlin, H. Main. M. Hostetler Cedar Needles S INCE all colleges have a paper issued at least once a month it was only fitting and proper that Cedarville should keep abreast the times and do likewise. Realizing the amount of good that can be received from a publica- tion of this kind, some of the interested students met and pledged themselves to the duty of renewing "Cedar Needles." Although this was started rather late in the school year it has become quite promising. It takes so much money to finance a large publication and since money is a minus quantity with most of us, we decided to start "Cedar Needles" humbly but not uninterestingly. We feel sure that all who have seen this paper will agree with us on this score. As the old proverb runs "Great oaks from tiny acorns grow," so let it be with Cedar Needles. That from a small humble beginning it will grow to become a very great and very necessary part not only of the college but of each of us who are loyal to our Alma Mater. H. M. Seventy-seven