1930 Cedrus Yearbook
Girls' Glee Club W ITH most of our old members back and several talented new ones, our glee club has been doing splendid work this year. We have thoroughly enjoyed the variety of songs which Miss Berkley, our director, has so well selected. We sing lullabies, waltzes, negro spirituals, cantatas and sacred numbers with equal pleasure. Our concert was well attended and applauded. The various chorus num- bers, solos, duets, quartets and readings afforded a most worth-while entertain- ment. The compliments we have received on our improvement in ensemble work have encouraged us to try to do still better. We, also, sang at the college service held in the First Presbyterian Church. We have appeared before the student body several times. We are planning to give concerts in neighboring towns. Now, the boys are starting a glee club. Although we have quite a start on them, we have a hunch we will have to work to keep ahead, once they get started. But we can do it. SeVenty.cight L. L. S. 111111111111111111111111111
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