1930 Cedrus Yearbook

"r1 College Dining Club () NE of the fine things about Cedarville College is the friendly, family- like atmosphere. This can be more definitely realized at the College Dining Club. The students here are indeed like one large family enjoying meals pre- pared by our cook and supervised by our matron with motherly care and thought. Around these tables many pleasant friendships have been made which are a lifelong source of enjoyment. Many plots and plans which we can recall with pleasant thoughts were started and completed here. The,only unpleasant memories are when Frank Graham, the steward, would ring the little bell and say "Folks, I have an announcement, I want you to remember this is Pay Day." The delinquents would dig deeply in their pockets and help make Frank smile again and so on until the end came. Alfred Townsley will be the steward next year and we bespeak for him the hearty cooperation of all the members and wish him luck in this important position. —H. L. M. Seventy-nine