1931 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS 13—Nina, Mrs. Corry sing Irish tunes. 15—"Winning with Wilma," or "From Oil Station to Ice Wagon in Three Weeks." 17—Markle on "Haiti." Smiley switches from Irene to Irene. 18—Mrs. Jenkins—"Making your wish come true"—Tsk, tsk. 20—Stock Co. packs 'em in for school kitchen benefit. 26—Basketballetters. 31—Rockne killed in Kansas. April 1—H.S. Jr. Cls. ply. 2—Easter holiday. 5—Easter bonnet, lily and egg day. 6—Easter recess over. 7—Did I mention Easter? 8—Taylor beat Pitchin. "Old Lady No. 31" simply slays us. 9—Mock wedding. Mock ice cream. Boys eat and walk. Steele gets a little buggy. 11—Morehead makes more hits. 7-4. 15—Little boy whips big boy. Dayton eased 5-4. 19—Girls read Bible. Preston off side. Otto autos for judges. 20—Juniors ramble to cliffs in rain. 22—Austin Black wants us to go touring. In an Austin? 24—Wilmington B. B. Our little flash was so tinder that we were bruised. We were so weak and puny. 25—Wilberforce forces in a few. 8-6. 27—Soft ball well under way. Mai Doris Swaby Irene Tobias Elmo Jurkat Ninety-nine