1931 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS When You Need Tires Take Advantage of Our Free Road Service PHONE 533 Dayton Tires, Gould and Delco-Remy Batteries, Quaker State and En-ar-co Motor Oil XENIA AUTO NECESSITY COMPANY T. R. McClelland R. J. CcClelland 31 S. Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio Collins: I hear that Lenora has parrots' disease. • Stormont: How so? Collins: She repeats everything she hears. Kenfield: What are you doing with your rocks on wrong-side out? Kitchen: Oh,my feet got hot so I turned the hose on them. Bobbitt wants to know why he should use Ivory soap. Even the manufacturers admit it isn't pure. Coach Borst: You must be the worst caddie in the world. Caddie: Hardly. That would be to much of a coincidence. It seems that some of the boys were at a certain show in Springfield. Foster: What is the matter with Kenfield? Murray: He forgot his glasses. Marshall: I hear that Steele's courses are snap courses. Choppy: Yeah, if you look sideways he'll snap your head off. XENIA For 1931 We offer you a most carefully selected store fullof quality mer- chandise at the lowest prices in ten years. You will find that the business trend is definitely toward JefUlE.'1. OHIO One hundred ten