1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS Twenty-two RACHEL C. DOUTHETT Xenia, Ohio A. B. Education Central High School "I have a heart with room for every joy." Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Cabinet 4; Crown Club 3; Cedrus Play 3; Liter- ary Society 4; Glee Club 4; Cedar Day Committee 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 3; "X" Club President 4; May Queen 4. MARION S. HOSTETLER Cedarville, Ohio A. B. Cedarville High School "He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one." Class Officer 2, 4; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 4, Cabinet 2, President 4; Minstrel 1, 4; Cedrus Staff 1, 2, 4; Literary Society 1 2, 4; Officer 1, 4, President 2; Football Manager 1, 2; Cedrus Play 2; Debate Team 4; Wittenberg S u m mer School 3; Cedar Day Orator 4. LEO W. REED Clifton, Ohio A. B. Cedarville High School "What's the use of wor- rying? It never was worth while." Basketball Manager 1; Class Officer 1; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 4, Cabi- net 4; Minstrel 4; Ohio State University 3; As- sistant i n Biological Science, Zoology, Ana- tomy. SARAH MARGARET CHANCE Salem Ill. A. B. Education Salem High School "For her heart was in her work, and the heart giveth grace unto ev- ery art." Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, Cabinet 3, 4; Literary Society 1; Class Play, 3.