1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Robert Harriman President Arthur Donaldson Vice-President Marjorie Gordon Secretary Jane West Treasurer HISTORY Although we are called freshmen we do not mind the name. Some day we'll be great men and women (that's our ambition) looking back on our freshman days at Cedarville College saying, "that's where I got my start." The upper-classmen think we should be seen and not heard. They can't expect us to do that because we're of the up and going type. We are the babies of the college, so don't we have to cry once in a while? Our brothers and sisters (the upper-classmen) are quite proud of us but they won't acknowledge it. So are our fathers and mothers (the professors). They have told us we will be Lindberghs, Marconis, Edisons, and maybe Ghandis. We already have a Ford and some want to join the Marx Brothers. We are also strong and talented. Already some of our playmates have climbed out of their cribs to play football, basketball, baseball and tennis. We're all boosting for an All-American out of our class. Under the guiding hands of our fathers and mothers who give us nourishing milk which is Knowledge, we hope to grow up to be fine young men and women of whom Cedarville College will be proud. —C. A. D. Thirty