1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. cooperated in staging a welcome party for the new students at the beginning of the year. At Hallowe'en the Y. M. C. A. enter- tained the college with a masquerade party in the gymnasium. As a bit of service for the college it was voted to erect signs of welcome on the main highways through Cedarville. The men painted and placed signs bearing the college seal and the words,"Welcome to Cedarville, the Home of CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. A Small Christian College of Liberal Arts." Through the state organization of the Association, local men are able to learn of the activities e students in other colleges and to receive the advice of specialists on subjects of interest to youth. The spiritual ideals gained through such agencies as the Y. M. C. A. will probably outlast the information imparted in the classroom and the skills acquired in the laboratory and on the athletic field, so the work of the organization would seem to be of great importance to all students. —M.S. H. Fifty-one