1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS PHILOSOPHIC LITERARY SOCIETY This year has indeed been a successful one for Cedarville's literary society. The attendancehas been espe..ially good, as there have usually been thirty-five or forty members present at each meeting; and the quality of the programs furnished by the committees has been excellent. The devotions which form a part of each meet- ing were ably executed by the chaplains. The programs proper have been interesting and well planned, and have consisted of all types of readings, music, playlets, and debates. The Philosophic Society had no competition this year. It seems that the other literary society has fallen by the wayside, and only a few of its members are left among the student body. We are hoping to have two societies next year, which we feel would be a boon to both societies through the competition developed and the enjoyment of such activities as debates and contests between the two societies. The literary society furnishes one of the best channels for the development of the academic life of the students. In its meetings some of the most useful elements of one's education are obtained, and also the opportunity is afforded for the develop- ment of the various literary activities. Then we mustn't forget the social period which we have enjoyed at the close of all our meetings this year. Along with the games and contests we enjoyed the fine refreshments which the committees prepared. Again let us say that we have had a very successful year, and that we are hoping for even better things next semester. —C.A. H. Fifty-two