1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS GIRLS' GLEE CLUB MUSIC DEPARTMENT The Girls' Glee Club has been doing excellent work this year. The twenty-four voices are well balanced for the three-part chorus work. The club has traveled to various churches at a distance from 'here to help in the evening services. The annual concert was well attended and applauded. This department of music along with the boys' quartet is growing in popular- ity. The quartet has many outside engagements. The voices of Garlough, Free, Irons, and Gordon, who make up this quartet, harmonize especially well. Another feature of the music department is the instrumental recitals given on piano and pipe-organ. These show the progress made by the pupils, and much credit is due Miss Berkley for the success of both these and the vocal concerts. —L.L. S. Fifty-five